Curriculum 'User Guide Viedoc 4'
Difference between two time variables Download PDF
1 How to calculate the difference between two time variables?
- If you want to calculate the difference in time between two time variables you can use the below code:
if (!START || !END) return null;
var diff = (END - START) / (1000 * 60); // minutes
return diff;
if (!START || !END) return null;
var diffInMinutes = ( END.getHours()*60+END.getMinutes() ) - ( START.getHours()*60+START.getMinutes() )
return diffInMinutes;
For more details about functions and how to use JavaScript in Viedoc see Using JavaScript in Viedoc . - As it is not possible to have time without a date in JavaScript the date is set automatically to current site date when the time is selected.